Help help help!!!no really i am gonna fail geography if you dont help!? - mountain king mid
put the good word in a sentence
It must be the same number of letters
Ar on these issues Alabama
The historic battle in 1814 between the troops of General A_ _ _ _ _ _ Jackson and the Creek Indians view, see Horseshoe Bend National Military Park will be
Birthdays of the Civil War hero General Robert E. _ L_ held in Alabama on the third Monday in January.
Cheah at Talladega Mountain National Forest is the highest point in Alabama. This mountain is located south of the city A_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. is
The words of Martin Luther King Jr. 's "Letter from a B_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Prison," written in 1963 remains true today: "An injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere"
The 'A_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ South "refers to the South before the Civil War-era Americana.
The civil rights movement of the mid-twentieth century can be attributed to M_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ refusing to give Ala., in 1955, when Rosa Parks on her bus seat event a success.
2. Lee
3. Anniston
4. Birmingham
5. Antebellum
6. Montgomery
My good deed for the day.
A Google search on one of these could be the answer, and requires less time and only a little more work than Postin here. It is also more a matter of history and geography. These points aside .....
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